Sustainable enterprise: efficiency and ambition
To Acosorb, sustainable working methods are synonymous with an approach which is firmly focused on the conscious use of our resources: we work as efficiently as possible and endeavour to make continuous improvements. Acosorb is accustomed to applying the process of Lean Construction. We believe that the future lies in sustainable building and that sustainable enterprise is a vital precondition governing our ability to grasp the market opportunities available.
Improved acoustics and energy performance
The absorbent and insulating properties of our acoustic spray plastering and stucco prevent the leakage of energy to other parts of the building. Savings of between 5% and 10% are no exception in this regard. Acosorb can contribute significantly to the energy performance of buildings and therefore to their certification in accordance with the Breeam standards.
In-house manufacturing: safe and sustainable
Our clients increasingly call for sustainable products. The fact that we perform in-house manufacturing and supply of our product lines enables us to maintain control of the entire process. Our products comprise primarily recycled natural cellulose fibres. Acosorb also includes various additives, however, with a view to optimising both the life span and fire safety of the finished product. Furthermore, our Acospray product is sprayed using a water-based polymer.
We operate in compliance with all the applicable legislation and regulations in the area of product safety. For example, we have reduced the use of borates to an absolute minimum. This implies that the content in our products is well within the EU standard of 5%, which poses no threat whatsoever to the health of our contractors and customers.